31 January 2011

Dear Readers and The Wave Winner

I loved reading what makes everyone smile.  Made me smile, and even laugh aloud :)
Thank you for playing.

Also, while I have you here, THANK YOU for your kind comments on my Fleur D'Orange.  We've all worked hard on our creations.  I've had fun [and lost sleep] coming up with my clothing items, so the positive encouragement is heartening.  It's been more difficult to have my creations physically judged than simply posting them on my blog, because someone always has something negative to say, even if it's elsewhere.  I guess that comes with game.  So THANK YOU.  I love to reply to comments, but it makes it difficult when there's no email address linked to the profile.  I had someone ask me recently if I really read all my comments.  Absolutely!  No matter how old you get, how tough your skin is, how many followers you have, or how successful you are, everyone likes compliments.  This place has been a great venue to share my love of sewing and creation.  It truly stimulates my motivation when I get emails or comments saying I've inspired someone to pull out their sewing machine after years of hibernation, or to see someone recreate one of my projects.  So THANK YOU, dear readers.  
I wish I had a bracelet for every single one of you.

Kera, with bubbles in the air, you are the winner!  Send your info my way and The Wave will be sent yours.


  1. Wait , wait, hold 'er down. Did someone say something rude about your Fleur D'orange? What the what! I am constantly floored by the kindness of strangers in this blogging world but simultaneously shocked at the gale of some of them. I think it is gorgeous and honestly every week I think "aw man is this going to be half as good as Katy's?" Love it, and your blog!

  2. Kelly, you're kind. You know. There are always a few out there :)

  3. I just checked Project Run and Play and it looks like you're in the lead! I know that it's about more than winning, but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you and Pearl's stunning dress :)

    And in answer to your previous post's question, reading your blog makes me smile. It sounds cheesy but I really look forward to reading your posts. Sometimes I save them up like chocolates and savor them all at once. I love the way you speak of your family with respect and admiration, which is rare these days. Your projects showcase your creativity and skill but are still accessible. You write in such an open and loving manner, how could I help but smile?


  4. Hi Katy,

    I actually gave you a mini shout-out on my blog which hardly has a "following", inspired by your gorgeous Fleur D'Orange creation. I feel a dorky kindredness with you because I love my daughters and my family so, but I will stop the gushing here.
    If you have a minute my post is http://ummashin.blogspot.com
    Have a lovely day.

  5. Hannah,
    It's adorable! And thank you. I'm glad that comes across in my writing :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. First off, you know how much I loved your dress this week, right? I am SO excited for a tutorial (though I have a feeling I might need more finessed sewing skills to actually sew anything like your creations :).
    Also, your comment about how it is more difficult to put something out there for judging (as opposed to just saying, "Hey, look what I made" on your blog) resonated with me. It's hard, eh? Goodness. Not for the faint of heart. Especially if you have any ounce of people pleaser in you (I have more than an ounce- haha!).
    Anyhow, I think that your work is gorgeous. I think you are amazing. I think that you create things that are beautiful and (bonus!) your girls love the things you make for them.
    I hate competing against you and your lovely creations, by the way! :)


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.