20 October 2008

We must be sisters

What other reason could there be?  We buy the exact same lunch box and play kitchen (among other toys) for our girls.  We manage to dress them in the same clothes, as well as ourselves.  Even living miles and miles apart.  In fact it's been 9 years (or has it been 10?) since we've lived under the same roof, which happened to be on Nantucket Island while we were working as "housekeeping" in a little B & B with Mitch as our rather hippy-type boss, with his long braid, who wore short corduroy shorts and made hard fruit and nut scones every morning for breakfast.  Memories.  Perhaps we'll live a bit closer to one another (Jordan & I, not Mitch) soon so we can enjoy our similarities at close range (one of which: lots of kids within the same age range!) 
and appreciate our differences.


  1. What is even MORE uncanny is that we both wore the hat to church yesterday!! Love ya sis!

  2. I love those hats! Not just sisters but sisters with good taste too!

  3. You two look AMAZING. There is nothing like having a sister! Unless it is the mother of those sisters!

  4. Wish gramma Mary Deane were here to sing "Sisters, sisters! Never were there such devoted sisters!"

  5. You 2 are SO cute! I served in Sunday School with Jordan when she whisked off to Nantucket so long ago - I was envious of the summer you spent "alone together!"

  6. Congrats on your new baby! That is so exciting? How are you managing with 5!

  7. Remember when Mitch experimented with mushrooms in his muffins? eew. You sisters are too cute.


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