15 November 2007

Hard Work

We were taught the value of hard work as kids. Each summer day we would be assigned an hour job before we could go play with friends. (We would usually prefer my mom's assignments indoors--they were usually not so labor intensive.) We had our Saturday chores as well as a rotation of doing dishes and cleaning up after dinner. I'm grateful that I was taught to work and I know how to clean. I am trying to do the same with my kids. Pearl eyed this horse at the store a couple months ago. She asked if she could have it and I said, "Save your money." (Does that sound familiar, siblings?) Well, she didn't have any money to save, so she started doing chores around the house to earn some--cleaning windows, baseboards, sweeping, folding clothes. We would visit it every week or so, to make sure it was still there, give her a hug and pat until, finally, she had the required amount for her portion. She paid her 10% to tithing, and the rest went to her horse. Sally has now joined the family, sleeping in the laundry basket, getting her hair combed, and included in all the activities of the household. Pearl is proud of her hard work....and her horse. Great job, Pearlie.


  1. Is Seth too young to institute this practice in our home? Good for little Pearl. Seth keeps asking me (daily, for the past 3 or 4 days) when we are going to go to Pearl's house...hmmm, how could we arrange that?

  2. No, Seth's not too young--Pearl doesn't really understand the value of money, she just knows she can use it to buy things. It's a good start, at least, of learning the concept of money.

  3. Way to go Pearl! On the phone she said she had a "little big horse". She wasn't joking!

  4. Ride 'em Pearlie! Good job, Katy, in teaching the value of earning your own way!

  5. nice accomplishment on all fronts: to pearl for her vision and to katy for hers.
    ethan tries to save up his 'privilege sticks'(fancied up popsicle sticks) but he usually caves and redeems them for a tv show or to get out of cleaning his room. sad. i wonder if he will always be this way with money? if so, i'd know where he gets it... sigh...

  6. Oh, Pearl,

    Sally is even more wonderful than I imagined. Great job in working for something you really really wanted.


  7. by the way, i tasted the peach pear soda you recommended...

    where has that been all my life???

  8. Okay, you just have a knack for names. I love your blog title, and Pearl is absolutely delightful. You should win an award or something.

  9. What a doll she is Katy, and good work to you--it's always harder to supervise kids doing jobs than it is to actually do it yourself!

    P.S. We love the cheese graters, thanks so much again!


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