08 December 2009

On Sewing Wool

I chose such a THICK wool to make this jumper.  So thick that I had to edge stitch every single seam as well as do two rows of stitching around the neck and armholes.  Then I debated on the buttons--a navy?  No, yellow.  All different yellows.  Ryan agreed.  Olive loved the buttons.  She only wished they were on the front...perhaps she could just wear it backwards.  

I wouldn't be surprised one bit.


  1. I love it! I love that first photo of Olive. Are those Dongdaemun buttons?

  2. Adorable--both the girl and the dress!

    I love the fabric.

  3. Yes, that is very beautiful wool.

  4. i cant believe you made this (but i kinda can) it is so cool! i'd wear it (does it come in teenager sizes!?) your girls are so lucky!

  5. Oh my! That is SO cute! Please, please, please open up a boutique by the time (if) I have a little girl. Please!

  6. Mom, one of 5 buttons came from Dondaemun (the middle one--remember the ones with the little gem that were so pricy? I need to come back to Korea...)

    White Lily--When you have a girl I will send you something just for her, boutique or not.

  7. such nice details!

    (i've had such fun browsing your blog today! your projects (and your girls) are gorgeous!)


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