18 May 2009

Pillow Slip Dress: Have you made one of these yet?

Ben & Olivia's Wedding '08

In the mood for an easy, instant gratification kind of project?  Go raid your grandma's or mom's linen closet to find those pillow cases (seen here on Azure) that have been lovingly finished on the edge.  If they've yellowed, wash them in hot water with some oxy-clean.  All you need is some bias tape, ribbon, and thread.  Instructions here.

Seeing this photo reminds me of the silk dress I made for Divine for the occasion which she ripped beyond immediate repair before the wedding.  Much to my dismay, we had to scramble to find something else for her to wear (which I have since turned into a skirt for her, as it was not modest, like I've taught my girls to be).  In my fit of anger, I threw away the dress I made. Lesson learned:  don't do things in a fit of anger.


  1. I think we've all done things we've come to regret in a fit of anger.

    That pillow case dress is precious, and I would never have guessed its origins.


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