25 January 2008

A Woman to Behold

I love this picture of Divine and my mom--what a wonderful grandma to go out in the rain and jump in the puddles with her granddaughter.  She has always been good at living the saying, 
People are more important than things.
Being a mother of four very small and demanding children, I struggle with this in my life.  It's hard for me to leave the mess throughout the house to sit down and play candyland or play-doh for a few minutes.  I know she's worked at it, but it seems to come easily to my mom.  Those are the moments that make life--growing a relationship through the simple acts.  It sounds simple in writing, but much more difficult to execute with patience and love--like she did and continues to do. 
Happy Birthday, mom.  We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Katy, you are much better at this then I ever was! Thank you for your patience with me as a mother and your very soothing words today. M


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