03 January 2012

Christmas Pajamas

We've rung in the new year grandly.  Grandly with sickness that is--ending (hopefully) with me.  Yesterday I thought I was going to die.  At least I was hoping.
So hot, yet cold, anything below 100℉ that touched my skin sent pain soaring through my body.  It felt like a brick was sitting on top of my lungs, barely enough energy to get a cough out, which was probably just as well, as coughing made my head feel like it was going to burst and my eyes pulled out.
Too much detail?  I'll stop there then.  No fun.  Today feeling much better with more normal temperatures, although I'll tell you what, that extra warm milk sure put that Drummer boy to sleep in a hurry.  What's that saying about warm milk before bed...I'm just praying he doesn't get it.
So far that nasty little bug worked it's way through Olive, Azure, Clover and now me.  Before I got sick, I grabbed Pearl and Divine by the hand and sped to the closest drugstore for flu shots.
Too bad it didn't work for me.  Sigh.  I'm grateful for a husband who stays home from work to entertain our hooligans for hours at a time--and pray for his health now.
Anyway, these are the produce pajamas I made for my girls (whoops! can't say that anymore!) kids for Christmas.   
I was a sewing maniac the day before Christmas Eve.  I didn't put names on them and they figured out whose was whose and wore them proudly.
I know I keep saying this, but I love that my girls will still wear things I make.  They even wore them to go get donuts this morning with a stop at the local hardware store where they got lots of compliments.  

Tune in tomorrow for a giveaway of the Oliver + S variety ;)


  1. Lucky kids! Glad you're continuing the gramma and grampa tradition onto the 3rd generation.

  2. In Germany we say: "Gute Besserung!". That means: Get well soon!


    Beautiful pyjamas, great pictures.

    Bye, bye,


  3. Oh Katy! I can't believe you are sick again. This has not been a good year. Perhaps you left most of it behind in 2011. The pajamas look fantastic! I can't believe you finished them.

  4. Adorable kids. Isn't it nice having hubby home? Husbands are great help.


  5. What a beautiful family you have. Such a treasure. Feel better!

  6. Awesome! I used the farmer's market fabric in my farmer's market bag here -


  7. I am sorry that you are sick..I had the "real flu" a few years ago and really thought I was going to die. Feel better soon.

    And the jammies....darling!

  8. Ugh...I hope you get completely well soon! Sounds awful. I love those pajamas...especially the artichoke ones! :)

  9. So sorry a bunch of you were sick! Hoping the ones that didn´t get it don´t.... have a great 2012!

  10. we had two with ear infections over the holidays.. SO SAD! here's to healthy babies...AND parents :)

    and I do Love me some Oliver & S!

  11. those pajamas are GE-NIUS !
    I looooooove them !

    (and get well soon !)

  12. Cute pjs! Despite the fact that I'm in my 30s my Mom still gives me a pair of pjs every year on xmas eve :).

  13. Great work! I still wear stuff my mother makes for me and I'm 30.

  14. Love the pajamas!! I want to be Clover so I can wear them all as I grow up!!

  15. I love the pajamas!! I think I need to start making them for my girls. Wonder if teenagers would wear them? ;)

  16. love the pajamas. That fabric is SOO fun! Especially with six kids in them as cute as yours. I'm glad you're starting to feel better! I hope the rest of the clan doesn't get it! :)

  17. Those are fantastic! My son took one look and asked me where his were!
    I'm glad everyone is feeling better and I hope no one else gets sick!!

  18. Comptesse--thank you for your well wishes from Germany!

    Girlie BLogger--they are the best. He even made our Christmas Eve dinner with the yummiest sweet potatoes with a ginger glaze on top!

    LimeRiot--good to know :)

    jack--haha-I just might be sick of the artichokes by then!

  19. What a talented momma! You have outdone yourself.

  20. Best pajamas ever. Hope you feel better soon and no one else gets sick.


  22. Haha! Just had my first boy after three girls about six weeks after you had drummer, and I keep doing the same thing too!! (except not in reference to pj's I made for my kiddos... since I didn't. wow. how do you do it??) Hope everyone recuperates quickly!

  23. Cute jammies. Don't worry too much about Drummer. They say mommy's milk is the best fight we have against sickness. We just went through three weeks of sickness at our house. I hope 2012 brings better health for everyone. :D

  24. Sooo cute Pajamas Gang! As I compared the fabric-pairs you put together (wonderful vibrant pairs, i would wear any of them), I got a clue that one pajamas' missing from the picture, in oranges... may that be yours? :D

  25. You are so clever! These are completely awesome...
    I hope you are feeling better soon.

  26. oh ugh. being sick with a baby is no fun. I hope your other little people stay well!

    I too, made jammie pants for my four kiddos- I planned ahead this time and purchased the flannel fabric on sale last January... finished sewing them up on Christmas Eve.

    May have been last minute.. but they were done!

  27. josee--the fabric is "Farmer's Market" and can be found many places, but I got mine on sale one day at fabric.com. They've got a whole bunch more than what I used. I also have some lime that was intended for the Mr. of the house, but didn't get sewn up.

    a Matula ikrek--You are so VERY clever! Why yes. The orange pajama bottoms happen to go ON my bottom :)

    Greta--Oh man! Wish I would have gotten my flu shot last month :( Good to know for next flu season.

  28. These are most beautiful pajamas I've ever seen...... Love your works!!!!!

  29. Fantastic PJ's. Hope you are all feeling well now. We too had the bug that took us out for the first week of vacation! Yuck. Yeah for helpful husbands.

  30. Benim 5 yaşındaki kızım içinde bu şirin pijamalardan istiyorum. Ellerine sağlık. Hele çocuklar, maşallah çok şirinler. İşte dünyadaki en güzel varlıklar. Hep sevgiyle kalın. hoşçakalın.


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