01 December 2009

"If you have a boy,

you'll have to get a toaster, you know, because boys love to eat toast," my dad said a day or two before Clover was born.  He was serious, too.  He was ready to run to Target to pick one out and up.  He's a concerned dad like that.  Good thing we had a girl.  Ryan and I have tried our hand at a variety of toasters through our years of marriage.  We really gave them a fair chance.  None of them performed like we thought the contraption ought to, though, then time passed, and we learned to get along without one.  So now, toast is a treat to us.  I'll get out the skillet (what, am I a pioneer?) drop a slab of butter on to hear that enticing sizzling sound and MAKE TOAST.  An entire package of whole wheat English muffins devoured in 23 minutes flat.  I'm not even a boy.  But, we have a square foot of extra counter space, which is a highly prized piece of real estate around this house of ours. 

What do you get along just fine without? 


  1. WE have a toaster in KOREA even!
    We get along fine without a dishwasher and a dryer (well, not fine, but we get along). But our pepper grinder broke and we are devastated! Plus we can't find one anywhere. We miss freshly ground pepper.

  2. Where do I start? A dryer. A car.
    A dishwasher. Allred's peaches. Julie and Julia. Counter space. A kraft room. A good view out my window. And corn tortillas. Of course that last one was kindly taken care of by our latest visitors.

  3. In our first Alexandria apartment we didn't have a microwave so we managed just fine without one for 14 months.

  4. I roasted 6 Turkeys without a Roasting pan and rack. That all came to an end this year though!!

  5. A mop. It's all on my hands and knees. I refuse to spend money on a mop that I don't really want.

  6. A rolling pin. But, I think that is going to change--I want to make some yummy pie crusts this holiday.

  7. TV.

    We had to cancel our service after my husband lost his job while I am unemployed as well.

    I have plenty of ways to entertain myself.

  8. We don't have a dishwasher in our apartment. I should wash the dishes more often instead of letting them sit, but we don't have many dishes anyway.
    I had to laugh about the whole toast thing. I LOVED toast when I was little and still do. I had it about 5 times a day. I remember camping in yellowstone one year and crying all day long. When my mom asked me what was wrong, I told her we forgot the toaster. :) We now have a 4 slot toaster and I love it!

  9. That's the truth, my boys love their toast! I agree with Christy, I will never spend money on a mop, you don't miss anything when your on your hands and knees!

  10. we havent had a toaster for about 4 years now, it has really put me off toast, for we use the grill built into our oven, and i always always blacken one side and undercook the other, yours looks good!

  11. Cable T.V. T.V in general, really. We only use ours for movie watching and music listening.

  12. Toaster - we do have a toaster oven though.
    Dishwasher - we have one, but it works better as a drying rack.
    Video games for the kids - books and a little time outside work just fine.

  13. Well...I have 4 kids and I've never owned a high chair. I nurse my babies until about a year. When they start to eat solid food they usually can sit up just fine so we just put them in a booster seat with a tray on it. It's nice because it folds up so I can store it in the pantry. A high chair would take up to much space.


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