01 September 2009

"Everybody Guess

what next month is," I asked while clearing dishes last night, "President Ronald Reagan declared it in 1982." Ryan, quickly joining my game, because he loves his wife, "It's national love your pet month, national dental month..." Me, because I have a hard time waiting for anything, "No! It is National Sewing Month!" That's right, the President of the United States appointed an entire month to the wonderful art, "In recognition of the importance of home sewing to our Nation.”

There you have it, folks. I do believe it's important. After all these years, I am still so fascinated that one can take a flat, albeit fluid, piece of material and turn it into something with shape, form, and function with some snipping and stitching. So, I am asking all y'all (that's Texan plural for everyone) to post your pictures of your sewing ventures. I don't care if it's darning your socks, reattaching a button, a giant carrot, or a dog puppet with clickety clackety button teeth (hint, hint). Jordan, I'd like to see your skirt for Lucy. Ann, I want to know what you've got in the works. Ashley, baby blankets? Craig, your latest stitches? If you've taken a needle to it, I want to see. Try something you've never tried before.

Meanwhile, I'll be devoting my extra time to really digging into my massive mound of material and getting projects completed. Buttons, hems, and all.

Ready, set, go! I'm serious, go now!


  1. Just put my sewing machine in MY bedroom so I cannot ignore it.

    Love you and your creations!

  2. I'm in! But I am scared. But I'm in, anyway.

  3. I'll dig that skirt out of my closet...just as soon as my better half returns and I have a free hand for more than a few minutes before I crash on the bed next to sweaty Hazel.

  4. I'm in! yes I will post pics of me an my new clips. I wore the great poppy today!

  5. I didn't know there was a whole month dedicated to sewing. That's great! I will get working...

  6. A perfect month to get working on Halloween costumes, which is pretty much the only thing I sew.

  7. I would love to fulfill your request. Want to teach me how to cut out a pattern this month? Then maybe the next I can put it together?

  8. I didn't know there was such a thing as national sewing month. I'm going to go and get my sewing machine at my mom's this weekend. I have big plans, thanks for the inspiration!


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.