
24 July 2012

The Post that Never Ends

I told Ryan it felt like it had been forever since I posted anything on my blog.
Because 1 week=forever, right?
He said, why don't you take a break for the rest of the summer and just relax?
I laughed.  In fact I'm chuckling as I write.
I told him I enjoy it!  I once heard that one ought to choose a career in whatever they think about when they don't have to think about anything.  For me, that's sewing.  And eating.
It's kind of like being a mom.
Every once in a while you just need a little me time, even if it's 43 minutes, wandering up and down every single aisle in Target, needing nothing, but looking at everything.
I've missed rambling here and sharing what mischief we've caused, projects that have kept baby dill hands busy and mama dill hands happy.
A whole lot of sun=a whole lot of freckles, mainly.  We've had some family in town and we're sad to see them leave, but hope that their hearing loss reminds them of the good times we had.
Meanwhile, I'm trying to get the house back in order.  Not that it ever really was in order, more of an attempt to take inventory.  Finding and returning long lost library books (or in the case of a couple of books, having to purchase some to replace...sigh), finding shorts for Pearl who always has a case of I-have-nothing-to-wear-itis, and trying to fit sewing projects among the everyday minutia which is more like filling holes in the wall with putty rather than actual construction. 
I'm happy, though.  
We're happy.  The longer I'm married to this man, the more we realize how perfect we are for each other, or perhaps "our" perfection is ever evolving, and we are becoming more perfect for each other over the years.
Our 12th anniversary is coming up next week, not all of those years were a perfect swan dive, sometimes more like a cannonball, but the journey has been exciting and keeps getting better.
Whitney and her "baby"
We took this crew to the zoo to see the wildlife, and they fit right in, at least mine did.
It was the first time we saw the entire zoo in once visit.  I even tried to convince Pearl that there was no bear nor was there a  panther, only to turn around and see a sign for both.  Huh.
I think God had a bit of fun creating the Okapi, who despite what I thought, is a relative of the giraffe.
Olive's favorite: the elephants.  Give her yellow, ballet, and elephants and she's happy.
Give these two a hiding place to cause mischief and they're happy.
Give Pearl any animal and she's happy.

I'm glad these three got the stripes memo.  Color coordination is great, but pattern coordination is wildly impressive.

So.  I blog because I enjoy it.  I enjoy the interaction with you.  Ryan  only knows what I'm thinking sometimes when he reads it...what can I say, I'm not a big talker.
I don't blog for the money, the little bit that comes in is just sweet side effect.
I'm honestly grateful and sometimes a bit in awe that anyone besides my mom and sisters come here, so thank you.

Rain speckled sand
Looming clouds
Can you find the impostors?
We saw a shark, a stingray and this fish caught (twice! once on each side of the pier, bless it's little heart.)  The old woman who caught the stingray offered it to us.  We said we didn't know how to cook stingray, but thanked her for her generosity.
Ryan and I are like an old couple: he wears my sunglasses when I need him to hold them.
Well.  If you've made it this far, you get a star.


  1. I am glad you are back...I had missed you!

  2. I am glad you are back...I had missed you!

  3. I love these long, sort of rambling (in a good way!), full of pictures posts.

    Silver star for me but gold for you!

  4. I've come across a lot of different sewing blogs . . . but only a few that I subscribe to . . . and yours is my favourite . . . for this very reason . . . your beautiful photography, your 'rambling' words . . . the way you share your heart with us . . . thank you, Katy! :)

  5. Fun to read your thoughts. I love you so! RD

  6. I am so glad that you find joy blogging....because I find joy and so much more reading your blog. You are, by far, my favorite. I love the rambling, the sharing, the sewing, the cooking......I love it all!

  7. I didn't realize how long it's been until I saw how much Drummer has grown! Do what you love!

  8. Collette-do you really? You are kind. :)

    Kate-then I feel honored. Thank you.

    RD-well, hello, love.

    Kellie-thank you, thank you. We shall continue then, right?

  9. I love your blog. Your pictures are truly awesome. And a beautiful family you have.

  10. great post - -kind of an off-the-subject question, but I was wondering what your favorite camera lens is - I'm looking at getting a new one, and your photos are always amazing...

  11. You make me want more kids asap. And after a really rough day like today that is a feat. It was one of those days, thank goodness for a husband willing to come home early to help. The lady at the post office assured me that you would get your package on Thursday. She was most excited when she saw the surprises inside, I hope you are too!

  12. Yay! I get a star. :) Great pics as always.

  13. :-)...I have only a small handfull of blogs that I choose to read and sweet Katy ... obviously yours is one of them ;-)..the pictures in this post were beautiful just beautiful. Congratulations on almost 12 years of marriage, thats an enormous mile stone xoxo

  14. I adore your is always one of the first I go to when I see you've posted...
    I like to think I might have been like you had I been a mum...sewing eating...the same...and those wonderful you all!!!

  15. I like you. Thank you for your beautiful works.

  16. Love your pictures and thoughts as always. I think I write that on all of your posts but I mean it. Love the picture of you and Ryan and I can't believe how big Drummer is getting!

  17. I think my Em and your Olive could be great buds - elephants, ballet, and pink are her three tops. Beautiful photos as always, it's so fun to see giant piles of happy kids! Enjoy your summer. :)

  18. Gorgeous words and pictures as always.

  19. You always make me smile with your stories. Thank you for that! :)

  20. Your posts make me smile, your photography is wonderful! Love peeking into your life! Thanks!

  21. It's always a joy reading your posts.

    Having been married >30 something years I will say the bellyflops of our marriage have made the swan dives golden. Here's to another 12 years over and over.

    Thanks for sharing another glimpse into your life. Your photos catch the very essence of family.

  22. When you have the gift of the gab Katy, you have to run with it! Loving the photos and the updates on your beautiful family.

    Congratulations on your Anniversary! We are celebrating 14 years this August. A happy, loving marriage is indeed a blessing.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. I LOVE your photo filled posts! And goodness you have a beautiful family!

  25. i love your ramblings (your words not mind) and your family photos. when i need a happy boost, i find myself here. i so love all the smiling kiddos and oh that drummer. :>)

  26. I've missed you! Thanks for the beautiful update.

  27. Love your Blog!! In my google feed, I go to yours first to see if there's been an update. Keep up the good work..and Have a Happy Anniversary. God Bless!

  28. Do I get two stars if I read through this lovely post twice? Such a heart warming post and the photos are magic. I wish I was having so much fun with my summer too :) Enjoy enjoy! :)

  29. Wonderful pictures, wonderful ramblings!! Adorable kids.... Good mix!!!
    I always visit your post, I´m not the sewing kind, more knitting and reading, but I love your projects.
    Enjoy yourself!!!

  30. I'm so glad you enjoy blogging because I enjoy reading your blog!

  31. With six kids, I feel it would be a miracle if you get to say everything you want to, to your best friend. We just have three and almost daily I find myself saying, "Oh did I forget to tell you that?!" :)

    I love reading your posts. They remind me to savor life and not just live it. Thank you darling Katy. I adore you!

    And I almost equally adore Drummer's toothy grin!

    Happy 12th Anniversary!

  32. Always puts a smile on my face to read what you and your "little" family have been up to. I love that you guys enjoy good honest fun in the fast paced tech-y world we live in. Thanks for rambling... I do love it!

  33. You were missed! Glad you're back!

  34. just so enjoy reading your rambling, so go ahead girl, make alotta ppl happy...thanks hugs

  35. Your writing is like a sweet poem with beautiful photography. I hear soft soothing music when I read you. Thanks for sharing Katy. You have a beautiful family !

  36. I LOVE your blog! It is my absolute favorite. I love how you see the world and your gift for sharing it. Thank you for blogging; I am always inspired.

  37. Katy, I so so enjoyed this post! Yay for you! Yay for you and Ryan! Yay for your beautiful family. Yay for the magic you produce with your camera. Yay for your thoughts and words!

  38. These pictures are beautiful. I am glad that all my favorite sewing blogs are doing what I am...making beautiful memories with kiddos

  39. I always make it to the end of your posts, they are so beautifully written and the photos take you on such a lovely journey. Thank you for sharing Katy!

  40. You are so much fun! Keep the rambling coming!

  41. What zoo did you go to?? I think those are my friend's elephants - the sculptures, not the real ones:) I'm glad you are having such an awesome summer!!!

  42. What a sweet post! I love that your husband wears your sunglasses when you ask him to hold them. :-) Happy Anniversary next week. :-)

  43. *sigh
    Love your photo/story posts

  44. I love reading your blog. I know that I've never met but it's like reading how a friend is doing. I adore your family and your pictures. and your sewing. This summer has been so busy that I haven't made time to take many pics of the crafts I've done and post them. But I agree with you, crafting is such an integral part of my life. I need to create. It is a part of who I am.

    By the way, reading your crafting posts about using needles, fabric, etc. that I haven't branched out into yet gives me the bravery to try new. Like now, I just agreed to sew silk {silk!} for decorating a wedding for a girl in our ward and I've never sewn with silk.

    Thanks for your blog. :)

  45. That Olive, she has great taste - yellow, ballet, and elephants. All a girl needs. :)

  46. I have the exact same picture of my Emma hanging from that same elephant as Clover. And it's a few years old, so they're about the same size in it. ;) Summertime adventures are the very best. I haven't blogged almost all summer because I've been playing with my kiddos. I can see them growing right before my eyes!

  47. xoxo. you're reminding me why I need to get back to mine.

  48. I'm stumped as to who this family is! Looks like you had a great time. The surfer statues are sorta creepy...the Okapi is so interesting!

    And I love that you love to blog. What a great outlet! And I forgot to mention on the last post that I'm curious what store was your least favorite clothing retailer... :)

  49. I just love your blog. Even in the midst of all that is children, dishes and life in general, you always seems so calm. Your posts make me feel calm. Thank you.


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.