
08 December 2011

Pearl's Pearls

Do you ever go through your photos and find little treasures that you never posted or forgot about?  I found this from a couple of months ago that I think belongs in a frame.  I love how Pearl is looking at her reflection, watching her dress float up with a gust of wind, the sun illuminating those beautiful locks.

Each year the girls' school holds a little Christmas shop where the kids can buy gifts for family and friends.  Everyone else counted up their change and stuffed it in their backpacks, hoping they had enough for everyone on their list.
Pearl decided that she was going to make her gifts instead.  That's my girl. 
 Out of all my kids, I never would have guessed she would have been my one who has latched onto sewing like she has.  She can thread a needle, tie the knot, work the sewing machine and do hand embroidery.
After I made that Rollie Pollie for my kids, she wanted one for her doll. She asked if I would make it, but couldn't wait, so she just made her own.
There are quite a few of these laying around, too.
This one is my favorite.  A velveteen rabbit with golden whiskers.  Right now she's working on a fish.  I can't wait until she finishes it, because I have a feeling it's going to be quite spectacular.


  1. What a great photo of Pearl! It is so sweet that she wants to take after Mommy! My five year old daughter was bitten by the craft/sew but about a year ago and wants her own little machine! I think she might have to wait until she can reach the pedal!

  2. Love the picture of Pearl and her creations!!

  3. I think that photo of Pearl belongs on some sort of greeting card. It is absolutely delightful!

  4. Love those Pearl animals! I hope she makes a whole zoo!

  5. My 10 year old has caught the craft bug from me also....she makes outfits for her 3 sisters...all with a needle and thred (I should let her start using the sewing machine) i love seeing the process she uses to make clothes...and how special she makes her sisters feel in her creations. X

  6. That is so fun that she likes to sew too. Smart girl. Please tell her, her creations are just lovely. :)

  7. Miss Pearl,

    Indeed you do live up to your name. Seems you really are a jewel. :-)

    Well done.

  8. What treasures! My daughter used to create all kinds of things when she was about that age. I have kep them in hopes that someday they will adorn her childs nursery.

  9. Totally neat! I love it when our children have such an imagination and make things themselves. Just give them the tools and they'll be off...

  10. Wow! What a talented young lady you have. Please pass on my admiration to Pearl, to be so gifted at such a young age is a gift for sure.
    Her use of colors together is refreshing!
    Keep it up, we may see your name in print someday.

  11. LOVE the picture of Pearl...she is so talented. Must take after her Momma!

  12. What a talented girl! I also love the rabbit. She has your gift.

  13. I love the velveteen rabbit!!!

  14. How sweet that you get to share creative moments together!

    I saw this today and thought of you:
    Apparently the hot color of 2012 will be orange! It really is a lovely, cheery color.

  15. I don't know what I love the most....that exquisite picture of your daughter....or the exquisite creations...I would be beyond proud if she were my daughter....

  16. those are fantastic. Oh so much fun to share the sewing bug! how old was she when she first started to do stuff. my nieces love crafting but I haven't tried to teach them real sewing stuff yet

  17. I love that rabbit! Well done Pearl!

  18. yes, what a treasure (or pearl) of a photo is that first shot. glad to see her creations all together here.

  19. She is so beautiful. I love that she is making her own things! How fun. I can't wait to see the creativity start to really blossom in my girls like that. Just goes to show you there are many many firsts still ahead as a mother - you just have to look for them. :) Hope you are doing well.

  20. How do you start teaching your kids to sew and when?

  21. wow wow wow
    how old is she (i am new here ) my daughter is five i hope she will start her sewing soon .

  22. So adorable! I love that she is making gifts for her siblings! I need to help my girls do that--next year I guess.


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