
20 September 2010

{Ruffled} Coastal Curtsy Skirt Tutorial

in full swing here!
Looks fancy, doesn't it?  Looks hard to sew, doesn't it?
Little secret:  it's NOT!

I've played with ruffled fabric before, making these ruffled leggings for Divine:
and sharing my tutorial because it's more fun that way:
There are two differences between the fabric I used for the leggings and the fabric I used for the skirt:
The ruffle length is 2" instead of 1" and the fabric between each ruffle is solid, without that strip of sheerness [yes, it's a word].  Why does this matter?  Because you can use the fabric with the ruffles going 





instead of just
a     c     r     o     s     s.
I used this fabric BOTH ways on this skirt.
You'll need:
 2 yards of ruffle fabric
2" Elastic [I used non-roll elastic, 
which has those stripes in it to 
keep the elastic from folding on itself]
and of course thread, 
and it's also nice to have your wits about you.
This skirt is entirely made of measurements.  First decide how long you want it.  I made mine a length of 26".  The waist needs to be slightly smaller than your actual waist, as it stretches.  I used the very technical and complicated procedure of holding the fabric around my waist and marking it where I felt it was just the right snugness.  
Fold 2 yards of fabric in half.  Measure half the decided waist length and mark with a pin.  This will also be your "pivot point".  Pivoting a tape measure the length of the skirt, cut a quarter of a circle, starting from the opposite side of the waist.
This is the only actual seam you will sew on the skirt.  Before pinning, make sure all ruffles are lined up and going in the same direction, toward the hem of the skirt.
Stitching from the hem, stop at the pin marked for the waist.

Zig-zag the waist band, overlapping the ends.  Line up the back of the waistband with the skirt seam, overlapping each just 1/4".

Find the center sides of both waistband and skirt by folding in half and pin in place.  Stretch both the skirt and waistband to evenly spread the remaining fabric along the elastic and pin in place.

Zig-zag stitch waistband and fold under. (You could also stitch in the ditch to keep the waistband down, but I didn't even do that on this one.) That. Is. It!

See how the ruffles are vertical in the front, but horizontal in the back?  Those are the driving features that inspired me to create the Coastal Curtsy skirt that would showcase them both [I'm all for equality].
Pretending to read a Chinese book.  
It doesn't even have any writing in it, guys.
A superb quality of this skirt: it travels well.  Wad it up and throw it in your overnight bag for your weekend getaway with your hubby and spend zero time pressing it, but look fabulous just the same!
Want to know where you can get such stunning ruffle fabric and a chance to win 2 yards for your very own Coast Curtsy Skirt???

Don't stop!  Go here.

special thanks to my photographer who snuck out with me early morn.  and I promise I won't chew gum next time ;).


  1. oh my gosh...I looove this! darling skirt and so romantical, thanks for sharing!

  2. This is one of my favourite things you've ever made, I fear you need your long legs though, it is just gorgeous!

  3. katy its so gorgeous! its perfect on your slender frame, but not so sure how it would work on my plentiful hips:O)
    i would never have thought to use the ruffles up and down. nicely done.

  4. oh, this looks very romantic! Sadly, I really don't think I could pull it off. I'll have to stick to admiring!

  5. The skirt is AMAZING!!! and it looks even better on you :)

    Wow, I want to get a sewing machine just for this one.

  6. every time I see pictures of you on that beach, I get some weird form of homesickness...I say weird because it's obviously not my home :)

    I commented on the other post, but I have to say it again. I am in love with this skirt!

  7. Oh my word, you are amazing. That is gorgeous!

  8. Ooooo, that is beautiful!! I'm heading over right now!

  9. Wow! This is absolutely gorgeous!

  10. GORGEOUS skirt! I would love to try this sometime. Love the larger ruffle fabric--I bought some of the other based on your recco and ruffle pants tut. Thanks!

  11. This skirt is so pretty and feminine, I love it!

  12. so pretty and I'd love to try it, although I think I'd have to buy a new pair of shoes! :)

  13. Does your creativity have no end!? You are so amazing, I love peeking in on this blog. :)

  14. Beautiful skirt! :) One question (and maybe I just missed it) ... what length do you use on your tape measure as you're moving it around your pivot point? The same as the overall length of the skirt? Thanks!!

  15. This is an absolutely gorgeous post. The skirt looks incrediable, like you are on the set of a Nicholas Sparks movie or something.

  16. Butler Fam--You are exactly right: the pivot line is just the length of the skirt.

  17. I'm glad you posted this. Oh, how I have been wanting to make a really ruffly skirt. Thank you.

  18. That is so so gorgeous. I'm in love! Thanks so much for the how-to, I'll be linking.

  19. Oh, this is gorgeous! I just ordered my fabric so that I can take a crack at it ;0)

  20. This skirt! I must have one. And if I'm being honest, I really want the leggings, too. Maybe for pjs.

  21. oh Katy, it's stunning. Gorgeous! (you and the skirt and the photos). And you chose the perfect color. Beautiful.

  22. Stunning! I just love that fabric, it does all the work for you!

  23. I just found some ruffled fabric at our Hancock Fabric store today. My heart quickened! It is $12.99/yard, STRETCHY!, and comes in white, red, black, and light pink. It is called Confetti Corner.

  24. it reminds me of a mermaid tail turned into a skirt:)

  25. I just love it, will make one for darling daughter. thanks for the inspiration

  26. It's been a long time since I have seen something I love this much!! It's gorgeous! I am just so confused about which fabric you used? There are so many choices...?

  27. this skirt is amazing!!!! And so easy... I just have a yard of ruffle fabric waiting .....

  28. I love it! What is the name of the color you chose? I wish to buy some from the company.

  29. This is KILLING me it is so lovely!

  30. Awesome skirt.
    I love it, and have material on order as I type!

  31. This is amazing! I hope I can get this fabric in Australia!
    x Marnie

  32. This skirt is absolutely gorgeous. I'd really like to try it. I hope you don't mind that I posted your link on my blog.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful projects!

  33. I made this!!! This evening, it was so much fun!!!! I picked up a yard (all the cash I had left) at an INSANE craft/material place in Seoul yesterday, just for this. =) The ruffles are 2in., I think, so I did mine opposite your's- with the ruffles horizontal in the front and not vertical. I LOVE it. Can't wait to go get more. (And can I just add that it is INSANELY cheaper here than on-line in the states?!?!?!? You don't even want to know how much I paid for a yard of 50" ruffle material.)

    1. Oh please do tell us, and what the shop is so we can get some online maybe....pleasssse! Cheers

  34. I REALLY want to make this, but I'm so confused :( In your pic there's an addition section of fabric, do you use that?? and I can't figure out where the seam is when you cut the circle :(

  35. Mt Little Nugget--you only use the single piece you cut out and the only seam you sew is from the pivot point (see photo) down to the hem. That's it!

  36. This is wonderful! And I've got this fabric, in blue and white stripes! I'm so going to do this!

  37. I just made one! Thanks for the tutorial. This will be a perfect present for my sisters. Yay!

  38. This is sooooo cute! Please come and link up to my 'ruffled fabric linky party' I'm having. Everyone will want to see these projects for sure!

  39. Just finished mine in lemon yellow! I love it. 2 yards was just enough to make one for myself and my daughter, along with a tiny pair of leggings for my 3 year old son. So much fun! Now we are ready for spring!

  40. So cute!! I would soo wear this!! I wish I could sew!!

  41. Thanks for the inspiration. Luved the skirt. Luved the idea.

  42. What talent. It looks beautiful on you.

  43. This is the prettiest thing I have seen all day. Love everything about it. Thanx for sharing

  44. I Am confused about finishing the skirt. You sew on the elastic and fold it down and that is it? No tacking it down?

  45. I just picked up 10 yards of different colors of ruffle fabric for $6/yd down in LA this weekend just to make skirts and dresses for me and the girls. This is the skirt I'm making for me. Thank you for making it so easy!

    1. Hi becca, could you give us the name of the shop or email addy, so I can try to buy some by phone or online etc, I'm in oz. cheers have great day. X

  46. I used this idea to make the skirt for my niece's Cinderella dress for Disney this summer. It came out super cute.

  47. Hi! I only just found your sewing blog today and I love the Coastal Cutely Skirt. Could you tell me what color you used for this and where I might find this fabric. Do you know what the fabric content was at the time you made it? Does it have to be a stretchy fabric? Thanks for your help!! And I LOVE your blog!

    1. Mally, it's the 2-inch lavender ruffle fabric from Here's the link:
      It does need to be stretchy because there's no other closure other than adding the elastic waistband.

  48. Hi, LOVE your blog. Could you tell me what type of ruffle fabric you used and what color is was? I realize it was two years ago but it looks sort of lavender on screen. Is it a stretchy fabric? Do you know where I could find it? Thank you and I am now a subscriber!

  49. Hi Katie, I've just ordered this fabric, it's coming all the way to Australia, and can't wait to make this stunning amazing skirt. I wonder if you have been approached by famous designers to be on their team. You truly are an inspiration!! Love love x

  50. hey, i know this is an old post, but what is the width of the fabric? was it 44in or wider?any tips if i wanted to make a maxi skirt?

  51. I wanted to say thank you for creating this tutorial. I used it to make baptism dresses for my daughters and they loved them! If you want to take a peek at what your tutorial helped create, you can see it here:
    Thanks again!

  52. WOW!!! Such a simple and quick way to make an utterly stunning skirt! I might make your ruffle leggings and use them under skirts as a pettipant. Thanks for the inspiratiion.

  53. Great skirt. I tried to click on the link for the fabric but it points to a page that says "This blog is open to invited readers only. It doesn't look like you've been invited to read this blog" well excussssse me LOL. I think I can find this fabric in my local store.


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